Representation of Humanism Values in The Essay "Seo Hok-Gie and The Student Movement" By Febrie Hastiyanto with a Social Discrimination


  • Chintiah Lafaezah Sihaloho State University of Medan
  • Filomena Nova Julianti Sinurat State University of Medan
  • Tesalonica Evelin Br Sitorus State University of Medan
  • Kezia Tarila Rubina Br Sitepu State University of Medan
  • Priska Uli Sihombing State University of Medan
  • Rosalina Tautainem State University of Medan


Communication, Essay, Representation, Humanism Values, Social Discrimination


Literary works are an expression of the author's feelings. which is expressed in the form of literary works such as poetry, panto, poetry, drama, short stories, essays, and others. An essay is a prose essay that briefly discusses a topic from the author's personal point of view, as a means of conveying a message to readers or people who see and hear it. Film is a mass communication medium whose function, apart from being entertainment, also conveys messages. The film Gie is an example of a film that conveys the message of humanist values, represented by the main character Soe Hok One (Gie). Gie is an ethnic Chinese who is a minority but has a humanist, patriotic and nationalist character. Humanism is an ideology that prioritizes humanity, complete human capacity, and human life in the world. The aim of this research is to describe the representation of humanistic values in the film GIE based on an analysis of Febrie Hastiyanto's essay "Seo Hok-gie and the student movement". The research method used in this article is a qualitative research method that examines social inequality and discrimination in essay form. The results of the analysis show that a representation of human values was found, where the main character Soe Hok Gie (Gie) shows a lot of attitudes about fighting for human dignity. itself in accordance with the principles of humanist values.


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