View of Philosophy Science Towards Humanity Huma Property Multifunctional Study of Language Style
Philosophy, Humanity, Multifunctional Study of Language StylesAbstract
The Arabic word "philosophy" and the English word "philosophy" are derived from the Greek word "philosophy". Philosophia is made up of two words: philen, which means love, and sophia, which means wisdom, so they are combined into the wisdom of love. Wisdom seekers are people who love the world of philosophy or philosophy. "PYTHAGORUS" (582 BC-496 BC) was the first scholar to use the term "philosophy". Later, Socrates (470 BC-399 BC) explained the meaning and significance of philosophy. Most scholars always put philosophy above the science of Linguistics. The Role of Philosophy in Developing Linguistics: The age of language research has been long. Starting from ancient Greece to the present day. Philosophy plays an important role in every phase of the development of language studies. Philosophy plays an important role in every phase of the development of language studies. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, the definition of the descriptive method is research that focuses on descripting, identifying, analyzing and classifying data.
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