Exploration of Language Style in The Short Story Collection There's No Asu Among Us
Short story, Style language, Figure of speechAbstract
In gathering story (short story) So There is Asu in Between We work Joko Pinurbo contains 15 short stories whose content does not have much of a related theme, a kind of loose collection of stories. Among the 15 stories, 5 of them are entitled "Siraman Rohani", "Evening Supper with the Khong Family Guan”, “Children of Batu, Children of Rain”, “Kursi Ongkang”, and “Kursi Sukir” were written using quite dominant linguistic stylistic means, and that is what is explained in the paper This. Analysis language style only contained on analysis usage Language figurative, esp use figure of speech and also on usage style imagery. Data explained descriptively using qualitative methods considering that the object is a collection of stories which are qualitative data. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that the use of figures of speech in short story dominated with usage figure of speech personification (as much 22 times), following the figure of speech synesthesia (8 times), repetition (7 times), synecdoche, totem proparte (3 times), hyperbole and climax (each 2 time). Temporary That, style imagery Which found were visual images (14 times), movement images (9 times), auditory images (7 times), and tactile images (4 times). The stylistic means used by the author can have a certain (aesthetic) effect on the short story.
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